Collins Aerospace announces first-time commercial satellite navigation capabilities for air transport aircraft

  • Collins Aerospace’s GLU-2100 Multi-Mode Receiver is first to use Dual Frequency/Multi-Constellation technology with more than 100 test hours logged on Boeing ecoDemonstrator 777
  • The breakthrough will enhance integrity and accuracy in low visibility operations
  • Ensures long-term compliance with future evolutions of the Global Navigation Satellite System

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (June 8, 2020) – Building on its legacy of market-leading Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Collins Aerospace’s GLU-2100 recently became the first Multi-Mode Receiver (MMR) to use Dual Frequency/Multi-Constellation (DFMC) technology. The test flights aboard Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator 777 accumulated over 100 hours of DFMC data in multiple regions of the world. This data will be used to confirm the reliability and accuracy improvements for the MMR that will enhance safety for aircraft operating in high traffic density or low visibility conditions.

An MMR assists pilots in positioning, navigating and landing an aircraft – most notably in inclement weather. DFMC technology increases the number of frequencies the receiver accepts from satellites, while also accepting data from more than one satellite constellation, all of which improves the accuracy and integrity of the aircraft position information. 

“This is an important milestone for the GLU-2100 and Collins Aerospace because it demonstrates that this product can evolve and continue to support GNSS airspace needs for decades to come,” said Nate Boelkins, vice president and general manager for Commercial Avionics at Collins Aerospace. “In addition, we were able to add the DFMC capabilities with only a software upgrade, avoiding what would have normally required an expensive hardware overhaul.”

Additional DFMC benefits may include the ability to support Lateral Precision with Vertical (LPV) guidance anywhere on the globe without the need for a costly Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS).

Collins Aerospace’s GLU-2100 is available today on most Boeing platforms. The demonstration of DFMC capabilities on the 777 Eco-Demonstrator will help validate and formalize industry standards, allowing the capability to enter into revenue service in the near future.

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