AMAC Basel Adds BBJs on Base Maintenance Contracts

Amac Aerospace’s Basel facility has secured three BBJ maintenance contracts. A privately owned BBJ 3 will arrive at Amac Aerospace Switzerland during next year’s first quarter for a major C-check and a partial removal of the VIP cabin interior. Another privately owned BBJ will undergo a heavy base maintenance check and a removal of the VIP cabin. The scope of work on the N-registered aircraft covers a LAN modification, an installation of a new router and various rectifications, improvements and refurbishments on the VIP cabin. The BBJ will enter the shop next month.

The MRO also signed a maintenance contract for a privately owned BBJ 3 from the Middle East. It will undergo a C-check in conjunction with upgrading the satcom system and installing a new cabin router to enhance the cabin connectivity with additional features and to increase the comfort of the passengers. Finally, an N-registered Gulfstream GIV has also been inducted for an annual inspection.

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