Euroairport, March 29, 2019 – AMAC Aerospace is pleased to announce that the installation of a KA-Band on a BBJ Boeing B737-800 was successfully installed. A Head of State ACJ Airbus A319 is shortly expected in Basel and will undergo a cabin refurbishment and reconfiguration.

AMAC Aerospace are proud to announce a successfully installed KA-Band installation. The Jet Wave KA-Band Antenna has been installed on a Boeing B737-800. The KA Band Antenna is in high demand as it provides full connectivity on board all aircraft. As previously announced, AMAC Aerospace has been awarded as the ‘Channel Partner Awards’ from Honeywell as its key partner for the Jet Wave flagship product. AMAC Aerospace Basel, Switzerland, will open its hangar doors in the coming months for a series of aircraft projects, to provide a superior onboard connectivity with the KA-Band solution.

AMAC Aerospace will welcome an ACJ Airbus A319 in Basel, Switzerland, for a cabin refurbishment and a partial cabin reconfiguration. AMAC Aerospace’s experienced team will install a novel VIP bedroom in the Head of State’s aircraft. A partial cabin reconfiguration will be carried out and AMAC Aerospace will replace all business class seats in the Airbus with new ones.
In addition to the cabin refurbishment and reconfiguration AMAC Aerospace is going perform a C4-Check.
“We are very proud to have been awarded a project of this magnitude from a long-term customer. Our teams are really looking forward to this ACJ319 modification. Having been selected shows the Customer’s appreciation for our engineering and workmanship quality that lead us over the last years to become the leading completion center for large VIP aircraft.” said Mr. Eric Hoegen, Director Completion Sales & Key Account Management, AMAC Aerospace Switzerland AG.